We wanted to share an interesting event happening this summer in Elkins, WV — "Listening for a Change".
Listening for a Change: Oral History and Appalachian Heritage
June 24-June 29, 2012; Elkins, West Virginia Sun. 5:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m., Mon.-Fri. 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Register by May 15: $195; Early bird discount: Register by April 15: $185
Hosted by Michael and Carrie Kline of Talking Across the Lines, www.folktalk.org
Fall in love with traditional Appalachian music and the thrill of a good tale. Open up to an Allegheny Highlands Week. These rugged mountains have nurtured a rich and vibrant culture that resonates in its songs, ballads, and oral traditions. Learn to document life stories and community experience through the art of deep listening. This course will explore techniques for seeking out and recording oral testimonials.
Learn the tools and techniques of folklife documentation. Appreciate West Virginia spoken arts.
Where possible, students should come with audio recorders and cameras. This course is open to anyone wanting to broaden their appreciation for the richness of local life by exploring the vibrancy of folklore and the oral tradition.
Listening for a Change Student Ann Green with Elkins Resident After Interview
New Skills
- Learn new levels of listening.
- Make connections with people from diverse cultural perspectives.
- Develop interviewing skills to record life stories.
- Learn technical details for producing broadcast quality field recordings.
- Learn to recognize and experience varied flavors of regional culture.
Apply this class to coursework or professional development in fields such as Folklore,
Anthropology, Communications, English, History, American Studies, Social Work, Planning, Law, Biology, Geology, Education, Economics, Health and Healing, Hospice, Environmental Studies, Psychology, Theology, Ethnomusicology, Cultural Journalism, and Tourism.
Instructors Michael and Carrie Kline, folklorists, audio producers, singers and guitar players, met through a mutual love for the spoken word and song. Their production company, Talking Across the Lines: Worldwide Conversations, has documented both individual narratives and interwoven expression of broad communities.
The Klines are experienced at teaching deep listening, oral history and Appalachian heritage. They are seasoned audio producers and public folklorists. Their courses have attracted students from various disciplines and professionals of all kinds, including social workers and carpenters, educators, museum directors, and life-long learners.
*Educational credits may be available for students and teachers.*
Find the registration form, syllabus and course description at www.folktalk.org/events.html (Scroll down to June events.)
Lodging Options available here.
For questions, call or email the Klines at 304-636-5444, kline@folktalk.org
Listening for a Change Student Darren Hacquard Interviewing Elkins Resident