The Mountain Association cares deeply about how the current health crisis of the coronavirus is affecting businesses, organizations and communities in our region. There are many resources out there to help your business or community through this time. This is our list of valuable resources we have come across.
Please note: This list was originally published on March 19, 2020 and will be periodically updated. For more frequent updates, please follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
Grant Funding:
- Rural LISC grants – rural businesses are eligible for the next round of Small Biz Recovery grants. Applications opened again in January 2021 here.
- Nav – Grants of $10,000 for businesses. Apply by March 9.
- Southern Black Women and Girl’s Consortium – Funds Black girls and Black girl-serving organizations in southern states, including Kentucky. Applications from individuals, coalitions, and organizations, encouraged. Information here.
- Southeast Kentucky Downtown Business Stimulus Fund – Eligible businesses can apply for up to $3,000 in grant funds here. Currently closed.
- Small Business Grants from Facebook – Facebook is offering $100M in cash grants and ad credits for up to 30,000 eligible small businesses in over 30 countries. Currently closed.
- Save Small Business Fund – U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation is offering $5,000 grants for businesses who employee at least 3 people in economically vulnerable communities. Currently closed.
- Salesforce Cares Grants – Eligible businesses can apply for $10,000 grants. Details here. Currently closed.
- Red Backpack Fund – 1,000 grants of $5,000 each to female entrepreneurs in the U.S. Eligible applicants include majority women-owned and led businesses and nonprofits with annual revenues less than $5M, at least one additional paid employee, and fewer than 50 individuals on staff. Details here. Currently closed.
Small Businesses:

- Small Business Owner’s Guide to the CARES Act (includes information on Economic Injury Disaster Loans & Emergency Economic Injury Grants, Paycheck Protection Program, Debt Relief, coaching resources, and more) – Note: Unfortunately, the Mountain Association is not an eligible lender for the Paycheck Protection Program loans at this time. We suggest you contact your local or regional bank to inquire about their participation.
- Community Ventures, based in Lexington, has started a statewide Facebook group for business owners to ask questions and connect with their business experts
- Kentucky Small Business Development Center business coaches are available to meet via Zoom web conference or phone to help you analyze your situation and develop a plan of action for your business
- Tips for talking to your landlord about rent
- Managing Cash Flow During a Crisis article
- How to offer gift cards article and how to set up online ordering options article
- 12 Marketing Action Steps during COVID-19
- Some ideas to share with your customers on a number of ways to support small businesses during this time from ordering curbside or delivery, gift cards, supporting virtual events, leaving reviews, and more. Note – many chambers of commerce are compiling lists of businesses offering these options in their communities. Please check with organizations in your area for ideas or to be added to those lists.
- Taking care of employees – unemployment / Medicaid / SNAP benefits, educational options and more
- Service Industry Connector of Kentucky – unemployment and more for the service industry
- U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services guidance on preparing your workplace for coronavirus
- Initiate is offering COVID-19 resources from tips for restaurants to tips for manufacturers, and more. They also have a suite of other marketing, and management tools to help you grow your small business. Note – when you sign up for an account, choose “Mountain Association” where it asks which organization you’re working with.
- Listing of emergency funding for artists
- List of resources for freelance artists, such as actors, designers, producers, technicians, stage managers, musicians, composers, choreographers, visual artists, filmmakers, craft artists, teaching artists, dancers, writers & playwrights, photographers, etc.
- List of resources for farmers and farmers markets
Non-profits and other organizations:
- Appalachian Regional Commission’s Nonprofit Resource Center
- Grant funding from the Bluegrass Community Foundation’s Corona Virus Response Fund
- Tools for working remote
- Comprehensive article from the Kentucky Nonprofit Network
Policy Tracker:
- Kentucky Center for Economic Policy, a project of the Mountain Association, has a COVID-19 policy tracker to help you understand impacts of legislation that has passed or is pending
Communities and overall wellbeing:
- Mutual Aid: fill out these forms if you need help or can give help
during this time
- Youth Mutual Aid for youth in Appalachia via partnership by STAY Project and Kentucky Student Environmental Coalition
- All utilities cannot disconnect or charge late fees during this time according to the Kentucky Public Service Commission.
- E-learning resources, include options for free internet, and more
- Taking care of your mental health
- Organizing for a better world during COVID-19: Kentuckians for the Commonwealth article