479 Main Street
On July 7, 2022, Mountain Association purchased a three-story building at 479 Main Street in downtown Hazard, Kentucky.
We were inspired to purchase the building given the substantial downtown revitalization progress made in Hazard over the past decade.
InVision Hazard, a citizen-led revitalization group founded with Mountain Association support in 2014, has led much of Hazard’s work towards a vibrant community downtown. In 2019, these efforts led to the City of Hazard and the Perry County Fiscal Court jointly hiring a Downtown Development Coordinator who has overseen record growth in downtown businesses in recent years.

We are looking forward to adding to the momentum with this redevelopment project.
The 11,000 square-foot building has anchored Main Street for decades, but has been unoccupied since First Federal Savings & Loan moved locations in 2016 after being in the building since 1960.
Built at the corner of Lovern Street and Main in 1940, it is in need of major repair, including a new roof. We plan to work with local contractors on a complete remodel of the building to develop spaces for business and residential use. Our Hazard office, currently located within the Foundation for Appalachian Kentucky building at 420 Main Street, will move to the new space once complete.
We will be sharing regular updates on building progress on this webpage, social media, and through community partners such as InVision Hazard and the City of Hazard.
If you are interested in learning more, please contact Les Roll at les@mtassociation.org.
January 6, 2025:
Roof leaks were repaired in December. Our goal is that by Spring 2025 we will finish the design and other administrative work that has to happen before construction can begin.
June 10, 2024:
We’ve spent the past several months getting organized to move forward. We are doing basic maintenance projects to ensure the building is safe and dry. We continue to discuss possibilities with Deco regarding design plans.
August 23, 2023:
More than 75 community members came out to share input at our Community Kickoff held on August 9. Check out what we learned here in this event recap.
July 20, 2023:
Announcing our Community Kickoff event! Over the next few years, we will be redeveloping the building to create spaces for business and residential use. We are now working with award-winning architecture firm Deco Architects on the design work, and are thrilled to invite you to join us to talk about this process! Come learn about our goals for the building, discuss the design process, and ongoing downtown revitalization. This event will be Wednesday, Aug. 9 from 5:30-7:30PM at 420 Main St. in Hazard, KY. Refreshments & delicious snacks provided!
Questions or accommodation needs: Les Roll (859) 302-2073 or les@mtassociation.org
June 6, 2023:
After reviewing the request for proposals from architecture firms interested in designing the building’s future, we are happy to announce we have officially selected Deco Architects, a firm based in Somerset, Kentucky, to guide the process. Deco is the group behind the City of Somerset’s recent $2 million remodel of the historic Virginia theater, as well as a number of other historic building remodels and innovative projects in Kentucky in recent years. The restoration of The Virginia theater recently won the Kentucky History Award for excellency in its preservation and envisioning. Their team recently visited Hazard to complete their initial measurements needed to make a model and begin the design process. We will soon work together to plan a community input session on what area residents would like to see in the space!
February 1, 2023:
We officially released our Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking an architect for the redevelopment. We look forward to reviewing proposals over the coming weeks and sharing more about that process.
November 1, 2022:
Work officially started this week at 479 Main! First, an environmental abatement company is addressing some issues identified with the flooring and walls. Following the abatement, a contractor will do some maintenance work to assure the building remains in good shape over the coming months of our design phase and architect selection. Additionally, Martin Signs in Hazard will be hanging signs out front very soon. Stay tuned in the new year as there will be opportunities for community members to weigh in on the uses and spaces within the building!
History of Lovern & Main

Thanks to Shane Sparkman with WSGS radio station in Hazard, we have important history and photos that document how this space located at the intersection of Main Street and Lovern Street has been used over the decades.

Pictured: Les Roll (Mountain Association), Bailey Richards (City of Hazard), Betsy Whaley (Mountain Association), Jaime Coffey (First Federal Savings & Loan), Robin Gabbard (LKLP, Mountain Association Board Chair), Peter Hille (Mountain Association)