Did you know that money spent with a local retailer provides three times more return to the local economy than purchasing from a chain, and 50 times more than purchasing from a large online retailer? Local businesses provide local jobs and tax revenue, which improves roads, parks and emergency services within our Appalachian communities.
Sometimes local purchases are slightly more expensive than other options, but if you look at it as an investment in your community, the result is a better quality of life for you and your neighbors. An easy way to change spending habits is to pick specific purchases you are willing to make locally.
Committing to shop local could mean switching one meal per month at a fast food chain to a meal at a local restaurant, or purchasing produce from a farmers market. Supporting local businesses can even be as simple as getting your hair cut by an independently owned stylist rather than a multi-location chain.
If none of these changes sound quite right for your lifestyle, The American Independent Business Alliance lists their top reasons for buying local to help inspire you.
MACED is committed to energizing communities in Appalachia through the growth and development of local enterprises. We support these enterprises by offering classes like FastTrac, one-on-one technical assistance, and loans to help individuals in Appalachia establish local businesses, generate greater tax revenue, serve their neighbors, and fulfill their passions.