Balancing Nature and Commerce in Rural Communities and Landscapes:"Thriving, Not Just Surviving"
February 4 – February 6, 2013 in Shepherdstown, WV
During this three-day course, community-based teams will focus on the economics, community-character, natural resources, and partnership building skills necessary for creating sustainable communities. Teams will identify opportunities to differentiate their communities based upon their unique assets, have the opportunity to hear the latest trends in bringing alternative energy or transportation or sustainable agriculture practices to their rural communities, and develop specific action plans for implementation when they return home!
Community Leaders & Citizens:
- Are you interested in strengthening your community's capacity to manage economic and demographic changes in your area sustainably?
- Is your local economy vulnerable rather than vibrant? Are you struggling to keep your younger generations from leaving the area?
- Conversely, is your rural community feeling the pressures of rapid growth, increasing tourism, or resource development?
- Is your community concerned about losing its unique character and special places?
- Is your community seeking a better relationship with large landowners–whether public land managers or private sector interests such as agricultural or forestry concerns?
Public Land Managers:
- Are you interested in improving communications and partnerships with nearby communities?
- Are you feeling the pressures of reduced budgets and changes in visitor patterns?
- Are you interested in opportunities for improved resource management by addressing adjacent land issues in your surrounding community?
Private Landowners & Businesses:
- Are you interested in improving communications and partnerships with nearby communities?
- Do you want to invigorate economic opportunities in your community and grow your business?
- Do you want to strengthen your community's capacity to compete economically?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, then consider putting together a community team and attend this course!
Team application deadline is January 4, 2013. Price per team: $595, scholarships available.Click here to learn more.