The Southern Rural Development Center is offering a webinar called "Rural Wealth Creation: Concepts, Strategies and Measures" on May 1 at 1pm. From the website:
There is increasing recognition that a short-term focus on creating jobs or increasing income is insufficient to generate sustainable rural development or achieve a lasting reduction in rural poverty. A focus on creating and maintaining wealth offers the potential to achieve more lasting rural prosperity. Researchers have long studied some aspects of wealth, and in recent years there has been increased attention to broader conceptions of wealth, including human, natural, social and other forms of capital. However, little research has sought to understand how these different types of wealth can be conceptualized and measured, or how they interact to determine the dynamics of rural economic development. This webinar will present the findings of a recent research report on this topic by researchers at the USDA Economic Research Service. Based upon a review of relevant literature and data sources, the authors discuss what wealth is in a broad sense, why wealth creation is important for rural development, how it can be created in rural communities, and how its accumulation and effects can be measured.